Access Management

Admin Role

An account with this role has the rights to manage the IporFusionAccessManager in general. The highest role, which could manage all roles including ADMIN_ROLE and OWNER_ROLE. This is a technical role used during bootstraping and should not be used when operating a vault.

Owner Role

The account with this role has rights to manage Owners, Guardians, Atomists.

  • Immutable

  • Set at creation

  • Single user (recommended use of multisig for this role)

Atomist Role

The account with this role has rights to manage the PlasmaVault.

  • Configurable by the Owner

  • Allows multiple users

Alpha Role

The account with this role has rights to execute the alpha strategy on the PlasmaVault using execute method.

  • Configurable by the Atomist

  • Allows multiple users

Guardian Role

The account with this role has rights to cancel time-locked operations, pause restricted methods in PlasmaVault in case of emergency.

  • Configurable by the Owner

  • Allows for multiple users

Fuse Manager Role

The account with this role has rights to manage the FuseManager contract, add or remove fuses, balance fuses and reward fuses.

  • Configurable by the Atomist

  • Allows for multiple users

Claim Rewards Role

Account with this role has rights to claim rewards from the PlasmaVault using and interacting with the RewardsClaimManager contract.

If PlasmaVault has a dedicated smart contract to handle the harvested rewards, the role should be granted to that contract.

  • Configurable by the Atomist

  • Allows for multiple users

Transfer Rewards Role

An account with this role has rights to transfer rewards from the PlasmaVault to the RewardsClaimManager.

If PlasmaVault has a dedicated smart contract to handle the harvested rewards, the role could be granted to that contract.

  • Configurable by the Atomist

  • Allows for multiple users

Rewards Claim Manager Role

Technical role for the RewardsClaimManager contract. Account with this role has rights to claim rewards from the PlasmaVault. For practical reasons, it can be granted to the same entity holding either an Alpha or Atomist role.

  • Configurable by the Atomist

  • Allows for multiple users

Performance Fee Manager Role

The account with this role has rights to manage the performance fee, define the performance fee rate, and manage the performance fee recipient.

  • Self managed

  • Allows for multiple users

Management Fee Manager Role

The account with this role has rights to manage the management fee, define the management fee rate, and manage the management fee recipient.

  • Self-managed

  • Allows for multiple users

Whitelist Role

The account with this role has rights to deposit/mint and withdraw/redeem assets from the Plasma Vault.

  • Configurable by the Atomist

  • Allows for multiple users

Config Instant Withdrawal Fuses Role

An account with this role has rights to configure instant withdrawal fuses order.

  • Configurable by the Atomist

  • Allows for multiple users

Last updated